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Orlando area’s video game dev scene nationally renowned

Central Florida ranks high on any list that comes out about video game development every year.

The reason?

Full Sail University, Valencia College, DAVE School and, of course, University of Central Florida’s Florida Interactive Entertainment Academy.

That school came out of Electronic Arts’ effort to build a game hub here in 2005. It now produces a regular stream of talent to its Maitland game studio.

Now, as Electronic Arts prepares to move downtown, the skillset will be even more valued.

Pro esports leagues target Central Florida for team homes

When the NBA wanted an arena to host its 2K League’s mid-summer event, it turned to Central Florida and Full Sail University.

For one weekend, every team sent its esports squad to the arena to battle it out.

It was essentially a home game for the Orlando’s Magic’s squad, which was one of the teams in the league’s inaugural year.

By all accounts, Full Sail executed a slam dunk.