Fledgling video game firm takes 1st creation downtown for feedback

As he watched others play his game, “Forklift Fury,” for the first time, Tyler Watts paid close attention to the reactions.

The laughs.

The critiques.

The sometimes-epic fails.

But what Watts was mainly hoping for from the public gameplay at a recent Joybreaks meetup in downtown Orlando was brutal honesty.

“It’s paramount to put your games in front of people,” said Watts, who is one of the leaders of the six-person team to build “Forklift Fury.” “As a developer, your perspective is skewed by your knowledge of the technology and the game design’s intention. You need the average person’s perspective to guide you.”

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Why follow at the link: Orlando Tech News has created a website to focus on the city’s growing video game community. The OVG will be a space for more frequent video game-related news that helps support local developers and video game communities. OTN will continue to publish video game news but as a smaller part of the overall tech scene. We believe the video game community deserves its own vehicle for coverage.