Orlando advocate launches vehicle for artists in tech and beyond


Dave Vanz has quickly become one of Central Florida’s foremost advocates for both the city and the power of collaboration.

Through his company Soweo and his news and storytelling vehicle The Orlando Life, Vanz has created a network that shares positive advancements in the community.

On Wednesday, he launches another effort, one that will bring together artists and creatives from the tech world and beyond.

“Art is a part of everything, including tech,” Vanz said in an email interview. “From the hardware you hold or wear, to the operating system or user experience, art is in everything.”

The first-ever Orlando Life Creatives event will be held tonight at Garden Tiger, 1900 Alden Road, near Orlando Science Center.

Vanz has partnered with longtime Orlando tech leader and Full Sail University hall of famer Caris Baker on the event. Check-in for the tailored experience for artists and others is set for 6 p.m.

Vanz said the goal is to help foster connection that supports community and opportunities.

We asked Vanz about the event and his adoration of Orlando in advance of the celebration.

What is it about art that excites you?

Art makes us feel something.  It inspires us in so many ways and even for the artists themselves, it allows them to express themselves to the rest of the world. Artists have the ability to help create immersive experiences that will keep people emotionally engaged. 

Talk about Orlando’s tech scene and where we stand right now.

We are a place where 70-90 million people come to play and immerse themselves into experiences every year. Locally, create tech experiences for how people live and play.  From gaming, simulation, training, entertainment, and even travel, we design and build the idea of what tomorrow will look like.

You have talked in the past about Orlando’s growth. What can you say about the moment we are in right now, growth-wise?

There aren’t too many cities that are globally known, but young culturally. The opportunity for us is we all get to be a part of shaping who we are moving forward. You can’t say that for other cities like Detroit, New York, Chicago, etc. I think Orlando is quite special. We all have the opportunity to be a puzzle piece to the greater picture.  But to do that, it’s important for us to unite. 

There has been talk of Orlando being a place of silos. Why do you push back against that?

That’s our greatest weakness. Silos leave the local culture vulnerable. To tear down silos, we have to find ways for us to unite. I want to find ways to solve that problem with others who also care about our local culture.

Why did you start this event and what is it about Caris that made you want to partner with her on it? 

My goal is to support the growth of our local culture and I want to do that by helping people connect to community and opportunity in our region.  Those two areas are probably the most important reasons a person would choose to stay here and continue to give their talents and resources to the fabric of our story.  

Talk about Caris and that collaboration.

Asking Caris to host the event was easy.  First of all, I’m not the voice for every community/industry, nor do I want to try and be.  I would much rather work with people who are gifted in those spaces.  Second, Caris Baker is a talented artist and even better human.  I’ve known her now for a handful of years and I couldn’t think of a better person to put in the forefront and let lead.  

Soweo is a human-centric content agency working with brands to tell their story through their culture, clients and community.  The Orlando Life is a digital publication focused on helping people connect to life in Orlando.