Briefs: OEP’s new podcast; Orlandopreneur at Citrus Club; tech supporter’s new role

Orlando Economic Partnership has launched a new podcast that interviews Central Florida’s tech leaders.

The podcast dropped its first season of the “Orlando Means Business” podcast last week.

Among the first season’s guests are innovation leaders from the Orlando Magic, AdventHealth, Walt Disney World and Falcon’s Beyond.

You can see a list of the episodes AT THIS LINK HERE.

Orlandopreneur at Citrus Club

One of Orlando’s fastest-growing meetup group will take its show to the Citrus Club on Monday.

Orlandopreneur expects hundreds to attend this week’s meetup, which will include a discussion about women in entrepreneurship.

To RSVP, check out THIS LINK.

Tech supporter’s new post

An Orlando tech advocate has been named to an institute that checks to ensure healthcare providers meet the standards they claim to meet.

Health Compass Consulting CEO Donovan Pyle will chair an advisory committee for the Validation Institute’s “certified Health Value Professional” program as a senior adviser.

Pyle received the appointment earlier this month.

The Institute also issues high-level designations in employee benefits.

“Validation Institute and I are dedicated to elevating the professional standards of the employee benefits consulting industry,” Pyle said in a news release.

“The Department of Labor now holds fiduciaries of group health plans to the same rigorous standards they have on their 401(k) plans,” Validation Institute COO Craig Sharpe said. “This underscores the critical need for health plan fiduciaries to hire certified experts who can guide them in ensuring the vendors they work with are financially aligned, transparent, and offer reasonable prices.”